Grant - Capwell Services - Startup Eliminating Methane Emissions from Abandoned Gas Wells

We are excited to announce that Capwell Services is the first recipient of funds from the Climate Crisis Startup Equipment Fund. Capwell Services has created an innovative way to stop methane emissions from leaking abandoned oil and gas wells until a more permanent solution, such as plugging, can be achieved. Their design involves automatically capturing and then flaring the leaking methane. This dramatically reduces the impact of emissions in a way that hasn’t been possible before.

We are very happy to have provided them with $25K in funds to construct their first full scale prototype. What makes us even more happy is that their first test was a big success!

To learn more check out their post here!

We are excited to see where this goes and would like to congratulate the Capwell team on their success!

If you are interested in our receiving a ‘no strings attached’ grant to cover equipment costs to tackle the climate climate crisis, please apply:


Grant - Carbon Lock Technologies - Converting Organic Waste into Biochar


Well Plugging with Well Done Foundation